High school soccer referees play a crucial role in ensuring fair play, safety, and sportsmanship on the field. As with any profession, compensation is an important aspect of the job. However, the earnings of high school soccer referees can vary based on several factors. Let's delve into how much high school soccer referees typically make and what influences their compensation.


Factors Influencing Compensation:

  • Location: Referee pay can vary significantly depending on the region and local economic factors. Referees officiating in areas with higher costs of living may receive higher compensation compared to those in regions with lower living expenses.

  • Level of Experience: As referees gain more experience and officiate at higher levels of play, such as varsity matches or postseason tournaments, they may command higher pay rates. Experienced referees who have demonstrated proficiency and reliability on the field may be rewarded with better compensation.

  • Game Level: The level of the game being officiated also affects referee pay. Officiating varsity-level matches typically commands higher compensation compared to junior varsity or freshman-level games.

  • Game Assignments: Referees may receive additional compensation for officiating postseason playoffs, district championships, or state tournaments. These high-stakes matches often come with increased pay to reflect the importance and pressure of the games.

  • Travel and Expenses: Referees may receive reimbursement for travel expenses, such as mileage or accommodation, especially when officiating games in distant locations. This additional compensation helps offset the costs associated with traveling to officiate matches.


Average Compensation Range:

While specific compensation figures can vary widely, the average pay range for high school soccer referees typically falls between $25 to $100 per game. However, it's essential to note that this range is not universal and can fluctuate based on the aforementioned factors.

  • Junior Varsity Matches: Referees officiating junior varsity matches may earn on the lower end of the pay scale, often ranging from $25 to $50 per game.

  • Varsity Matches: Officiating varsity-level games usually commands higher compensation, with pay rates ranging from $50 to $100 or more per game, depending on the region and level of experience.

  • Postseason Playoffs: Referees selected to officiate postseason playoffs or championship tournaments may receive additional compensation, which can vary widely based on the significance of the games and the governing athletic association's policies.


Additional Considerations:

  • Seasonal Variation: Referee opportunities and compensation may fluctuate depending on the soccer season's duration and the number of games scheduled.

  • Non-Monetary Rewards: While monetary compensation is a crucial aspect of officiating, many referees find fulfillment in the intrinsic rewards of the job, such as contributing to the development of student-athletes, fostering sportsmanship, and staying involved in the sport they love.



High school soccer referee compensation can vary based on location, experience, game level, and other factors. While officiating offers an opportunity to earn supplemental income and stay connected to the sport, many referees are motivated by their passion for soccer and the satisfaction of contributing to the integrity of the game.